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Case study

Compass Minerals

We’re delighted to have partnered with Compass Minerals since 2018 to support them in developing a culture with employee wellbeing at the heart

What we did

Top down approach

Wellbeing programs for senior leaders, managers and HR teams across the business.

Mental health

Safe suicide conversations, group reflective practice and many other wellbeing topics delivered in person and virtually.

Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid initial, refresher and upskilling courses since 2018.

Bespoke Programs

Flexible programs build around their needs, recent workshops have included understanding generational differences in the workplace.

We have trained mangers in suicide awareness, safe suicide conversations and group reflective practice.

Wellbeing programs for senior leaders, managers and HR teams across the business delivered in person and virtually.

Flexible programs build around their needs, recent workshops have included understanding generational differences in the workplace.

What the client said