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Trauma Awareness

Hear the word ‘trauma’ and I’m sure most of us imagine horrific scenes of natural disasters and war zones around the world.

In many ways that’s understandable, as it was in the context of war that we first started talking about “Shell Shock”, “War Neurosis”, “Combat Stress” and most recently “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder”.

But trauma comes in many forms, and it is not only emergency service workers and soldiers who might experience it.

In fact, it’s far more common than you might imagine, with 1 in 3 people in the UK experiencing a traumatic event in their lifetime.

In this short programme we are going to introduce you to the different types of trauma and some of the more common signs and symptoms, which may vary from person to person.

We will also explore how best to respond to and support someone you think may be experiencing trauma.

Trauma Awareness (15 Mins)


Understand what trauma is and how to spot the signs and symptoms

How to talk about trauma and provide initial support and signposting to someone who may be struggling

Understand vicarious trauma and how to look after your own wellbeing

Course unit breakdown

In this opening chapter, we meet Alice. After a sudden loud noise at work, Alice is extremely distressed and you must step in to ensure she feels protected and safe.  

In this chapter you will learn about the four main categories of trauma, and learn more about the impact of trauma on different age and gender groups

Trauma can affect people in different ways. In this session we look at the physical, psychological and behavioural  signs and symptoms of trauma.

In this chapter we look at the impact of PTSD and how the body responds to stressful events we experience directly, or even indirectly. 

In our final chapter we revisit Alice, to apply what we've learned and better support her. 

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