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Retail Conflict Management

Managing conflict in a retail setting has always presented challenges, with the usual flashpoints being around refunds, refusing service and shoplifting.  

In the wake of the global pandemic, the role of the retail employee has grown to include managing queues, panic buying and encouraging social distancing and face masks. 

This has led to a significant rise in abuse, violence and aggression towards retail employees, doing their best in difficult times and with often ambiguous and unclear guidance. 

There are times however, where the actions of staff, whether intentional or not, really do not help things.  

Security guards, CCTV and body cameras can help, but with a greater focus on the latest gadgets and technology, let’s not forget the most fundamental tool in the toolbox: Communication skills.  

In this course we are going to look at what you can do to help prevent and manage conflict to reduce the risk of violence and aggression where you work. 

Retail Conflict Management (30mins)


Gain a deep understanding of how to prevent and manage conflict in a retail setting

Understand how to apply this learning to the unique conflict based challenges present in all retail environments

Learn tried and tested approaches to some of those challenges such as; identify shoplifters, managing refunds and refusing service

Course unit breakdown

1. General Conflict Management

After an introduction from Terry we introduce you to Dave, and an incident which didn't quite go to plan!

Find out how much you already know in this interactive quiz. In it we challenge some of the commonly held views about how best to resolve conflict.

In this session we explore the reality of how our brains work, and what that means for managing potential conflict. We explore the underlying mechanisms that affect decision making, and trigger our Fight/Flight response. Is there a pattern?     

It's so common to hear 'I didn't see it coming' or 'It just happened so fast!' But was it really out of the blue? This is a really engaging session explores the factors we should consider when 'dynamically' assessing risk. We dig into everything from awareness states, to proxemics and more.      

Identifying the potential for conflict is one thing, but what do I do about it when I see it? Each situation is different, so how do I decide what's appropriate? In this interactive module we introduce a model around which to base your decisions and demonstrate your thought process.

All too often it is assumed that staff just know how to calm conflict, using their 'communication skills'. Well, not everyone has them! In this module we explore tried and tested approaches to prevent and manage real-world conflict.  

Being verbally abused, threatened or even physically assaulted is a shocking reality for some workers. But regardless of what kind of job you do, being subjected to this behaviour should never be accepted as PART of your jobIn this module, we look at what to do after an incident.  

Stressed brains make bad decisions. You are far more likely to have a short fuse and overestimate threat if there is lots of stress in your day to day life. In this module, we are going to introduce you to the simple, evidence based steps you can take to build your own resilience. 

The final knowledge check to see how much we've taken in! 

A closing message from Terry.

2. Retail Conflict Management

After an introduction from Terry we introduce you to a couple of real world incidents which don't quite go according to plan!

Find out how much you already know in this interactive quiz. In it we challenge some of the commonly held views about how best to resolve conflict in retail.

Refunds, Shoplifters, Refusing sale and more

In this session we explore the reality of life on the shop floor, including the traditional flashpoints around Refunds, Refusing sale and Shoplifters. We also look into new emerging threats in our ever changing world, such as mental illness, managing queues and masks.

The final knowledge check to see how much we've taken in! 

A closing message from Terry.

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